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Product Workshops


“We always want to create something new out of nothing, and without research, and long hard hours of effort. But there is no such thing as a quantum leap. There is only dogged persistence—and in the end, you make it look like a quantum leap.”

— Edward Deming, Author.

Product Workshops Product Workshops
Product Workshops

Imagine you have an idea, you have the motive, and you know the purpose it will serve, but lack further insights that could make your product the ’next big thing’. In such cases, what you need is two cents from your team members to finally show that you have taken the quantum leap.

When a lot of minds come together, very often than never, something amazing is created. Ideas are often better articulated in groups and the social energy, captivating dynamics, and sharp focus bring together better growth.

A dedicated team may butt heads together, but they are capable of brainstorming a comprehensive product design that will assist you in achieving your business goals strategically.

What Do You Get Out of the Product Workshop?

A Product workshop signifies a meeting or a series of meetings that sets forth a path towards understanding the client’s idea. The workshop is a critical part of the entire production process as such a discovery will allow you to define the project’s scale, the issues you might face, and more importantly, how to reach the target users and their needs.

With the help of the workshop, you can also align the goals of the developers and designers to create a product that will not only work seamlessly but will be loveable. Therefore, the workshop is a part of the discovery phase of a product development lifecycle.

By conducting the workshop, which will set the ground for the consecutive stages of the entire project, you will be able to define your core functionalities, user personas, potential challenges and the ways to resolve them, and most importantly the user story map in the initial stage itself. Moreover, the workshop will establish a sense of trust between the team members that will allow them to perform better.

When to Consider Product Workshop?

Consider the product workshop if you find yourself struggling with the following.

Struggling to Come Up with a Proper and Comprehensive Analysis:

Analytics is everything when it comes to building a product. If you end up curating the wrong data, the product or the solution may not perform well at all according to the market’s demands. In the workshop, you will learn how to perform business, technical and creative analysis to find interesting ideas for solutions and core functionalities.

If You Think There Is Still Room to Save Money:

These product workshops can teach you how to save money. Custom solution developments may be expensive but in the workshop, you will learn how to scan functionalities that are not crucial to the application and cut the cost to make it more budget-friendly.

Product Workshops

Grow Your Business With Us

We know the dangers that lie in a product that lacks refinement, and significant data. Not only will you be running the risk of launching a product with unclear scope, but also send the wrong message by creating something that clashes with the client’s requirements.

Appiness’s Product Workshop will help you assess the tools and understand processes so that you can effectively validate the ideas your teammate has come up with, optimize the process, and successfully bring the product to the market.

About Us

We are a Bangalore based Product Development and UX firm specialising in Digital Services for the whole spectrum, from startups to fortune-500s. We do not redefine anything or reinvent the wheel.

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Any product design workshop at our web development company in Bangalore starts with establishing a common ground solely built on engagement and critical interaction between the presenter and the participants. The goal of such a workshop is to create a space where the designers and developers can understand the context behind a product or service, along with that, it allows the participants to know about new aspects of designing and brainstorming a few creatives that can set forth the session on the right track, that is to know the ways of analysing the risks, and weak points of any project, to reach a better estimation, and to build a connection with the team.

A product workshop at our web development company in Bangalore strictly defines the development of a single product or service focusing on delivering targeted aspects of learning. The workshop is where the participants are taught and encouraged to tickle their big-picture ideas based on values during the discovery phase so that they can be carried over and mapped onto a specific product.

Although there is no rigorous way to run product workshops, the one that we stick to starts by understanding the context of the product and solving all the mandatory issues. Then we move forward to understand the basics of wireframes and mockups which will ultimately lead to a conceptualized prototype. At this stage, the engagement between the participants starts.

Attending our product workshop can provide several benefits like understanding our product development processes and strategies, skill development through hands-on training, and an opportunity to network and collaborate with peers in the industry.

The question is, why not? By participating in the product workshop at our web development company in Bangalore, you will open a realm of curiosity where you will ask questions and dig deeper to get answers. The extended Q&A session allows the participant to pick each other's brains which will allow them to discover an approach how to solving issues through a series of techniques.

You will learn to answer questions like:

'Who' are our clients?

'What' exactly is their motivation?

'How' can I make it better?

Such questions will lead you to achieve a pragmatic insight.